Multiplier’s payment workflow ensures timely and accurate transactions. This guide outlines the key stages and timelines involved in the payment process.
Factors on which the payment depends:
Invoice submission date: When the contractor submits the invoice through the Multiplier platform.
Company's approval and payment Date: When the company approves the submitted invoice and initiates the payment to Multiplier.
Payment Process Overview
An illustration of the stages and timelines of the payment process:
1. The contractor raises an invoice, or it is automatically generated: The contractor raises an invoice or automatically generates it when timesheets are approved or invoices are uploaded in bulk.
Learn more about how invoices are generated automatically when contractor timesheets are approved for invoice generation.
2. Invoice review by the Manager:
The manager receives a notification about the new invoice.
The manager reviews the invoice details for accuracy.
If discrepancies are found, the manager can reject the invoice, prompting the contractor to make necessary corrections. Learn how to Approve or reject contractor invoices
3. Payment by the company to Multiplier: Upon approving the invoice, the company initiates payment to Multiplier.
For Businesses: Learn How to pay Contractors?
4. Payment from Multiplier to Contractor:
Once Multiplier receives the payment from the employer, the platform processes the payment to the contractor on the same day.
The contractor receives the payment in their designated bank account.