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Onboard a Contractor

Learn how to onboard a contractor using Multiplier's platform

Written by Ria Mariam Thomas
Updated today

Onboarding contractors through Multiplier is effortless. You can onboard contractors worldwide through the Multiplier platform in simple steps.

To onboard contractors on the platform, follow the below steps:

1. Login to Multiplier's platform. Select Hire & Onboard from the left sidebar

2. Select Contractor from the window that appears.

3 Select the country you wish to hire and then select the type of contractor. You can select from these two options:

  • Pay a contractor - Contractor hired directly by you.

  • Agent of record - Contractor hired on Multiplier’s record.

4. Enter basic details such as Name, Gender, Email ID, Tax Residency, Job Title, Contract Duration, and Job description/Scope of work.

5. Once all the details have been filled, select Continue from the lower right.

6. Select the billing type you want for the contractor. You get two options:

  • Fixed rate: A fixed amount is paid every pay cycle, either monthly or semi-monthly.

  • Pay-as-you-go: The amount is paid hourly or daily based on the work done in a given period.

7. Enter the billing rate of the contractor. This will be the amount the contractor charges for their services for a specific duration. You get two billing rate options for each contractor type:

  • Hourly, Daily billing rate options for Pay-as-you-go contractors.

  • Semi-Monthly, and Monthly billing rate options for Fixed rate contractors.

8. Select the payout frequency. This is the frequency at which the contractor will be paid for their services. There are two options available for payout frequency:

  • Semi-monthly

  • Monthly

9. Select the invoice generation date in the Automatic invoice generation section.

Note: The automatic invoice generation feature is only applicable for fixed-rate contractors. If you disable automatic invoices for fixed-rate contractors, contractors would have to raise the invoices manually based on their work schedule.

Pay-as-you-go contractors will always have to raise the invoices based on their working hours/day.

The automatic invoice generation section gives you one of two options depending if it is enabled or disabled:

  • Automatic invoice generation is enabled - The invoice will be generated on the selected dates.

  • Automatic invoice generation is disabled: On the selected date, contractors will receive reminders to create invoices manually.

Note: For fixed-rate contractors, this will be the date the invoice is automatically generated. For Pay-as-you-go contractors, this will be the date the invoice generation reminder is sent.

10. Add any additional pay components if necessary. Then select Continue.

11. Select the insurance plan for the contractor and include dependents, if necessary, and select Continue.

Note - Offering insurance to contractors is optional.

12. Select the type of Contract. You can choose to upload your contract or select Multiplier Contract, where Multiplier generates a standard contract. Then select Continue.

Note: If you are uploading your own contract, ensure that you and the contractor have duly signed it.

13. Review and Send the Contract.

After you send the contract, the contractor will receive an email with the instructions to signup on the Multiplier platform

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